FIRST: Intersecting Life and the Cyberspace

FIRST: Intersecting Life and the Cyberspace
Agency: NSF-EPSCoR  
Sponsor Award Number: EPS-1004094
PI: Massimiliano Pierobon1
Start/End Dates: 01/01/2016 - 09/30/2016 

1Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

The goal of this project is to produce preliminary results towards the study of cells and their regulatory mechanism as means to encode, propagate, and receive information into/from the biological environment.

MBiTe Lab students on the project: Natalie Hanisch, Alessio Marcone, Colton Harper, Alireza Khodaei

Products from MBiTe Lab:

  • Marcone, A., Pierobon, M.,  Magarini, M. “The Gaussian Approximation in Soft Detection for Molecular Communication Via Biological Circuits,” In Proceedings of the IEEE 18th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), July 2017. [PDF]
  • Khodaei, A., Vakilzadian, H., Pierobon, M. “A Frequency Analysis on Calcium T-type Signaling in the Nervous System,” In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Electro Information Technology (EIT), May 2017. [PDF]
  • Marcone, A., Pierobon, M.,  Magarini, M. “A Biological Circuit Design for Modulated Parity-check Encoding in Molecular Communication,” In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), May 2017. [PDF]
  • Marcone, A., Pierobon, M.,  Magarini, M. “A Parity Check Analog Decoder for Molecular Communication based on Biological Circuits,” In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Atlanta, GA, May 2017. [PDF] [IEEE INFOCOM Best Paper Runner-up Award]
  • Hanisch, N.,   Pierobon, M. “Digital Modulation and Achievable Information Rates of Thru-body Haptic Communications,”  In Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Defense + Security (DCS), April 2017. [PDF]
  • Khodaei, A.,   Pierobon, M., “Subthreshold Linear Modeling of Dendritic Trees: A Computational Approach,” In Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of IEEE in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Orlando, FL, August 2016. [PDF]